Simple obedience? The word “obey” is one of the least used and understood words in American culture today. It seems antiquated, irrelevant and
You’ve just been introduced to someone for the first time. There are a couple of niceties exchanged and then without fail, almost
There are so many challenges you face every day, that if you don’t get in shape and toughen up, you will not
There are four areas of Life that every man faces every day. And the way they are handled will bring either joy
The Bible offers 500 verses on prayer, fewer than 500 verses on faith, and more than 2,000 verses about money!In fact, 15
If you are a married man or plan on getting married you will expect to be happily married to the woman you
"Show Me The Money!" That line out of the Tom Cruise movie, Jerry Maguire, pretty much tells the story for most American men.
Knowing what it takes to consistently love your wife in such a way that it guarantees that you will have a happy
God made you. God loves you. God has a purpose for your life. The classic definition from the Westminster Catechism sums up our
I’m a guy who, probably like you, prefers action movies. My favorites almost always seem to be battles of war based on
There isn’t a single human on earth who at some point doesn’t have to deal with a bully. Define bully any way
“They left everything and followed him.” Lk 5:11After meeting Jesus the apostles made a radical decision that would change their lives forever. But
Our men’s Bible study was looking to get a better grip on the meaning of the “Gospel. ”So we asked, “What exactly is
On occasion I’m able to walk the beach and catch a sunrise. The beauty and magnificence of God’s artwork can take anyone’s
Okay so maybe you have been standing firm in your faith believing God for something you truly believe is His will. Could be
Does it ever seem to you that sometimes God’s blessings are unstoppable?Unstoppable for others that is! Why does God do that? You peer
Does it ever seem to you that sometimes God’s blessings are unstoppable?
Unstoppable for others that is!
Why does God do that? You peer into someone else’s life who doesn’t seem to be all that deserving and wonder why God does it for them … and not for you.
Or maybe you do acknowledge God’s blessings in your own life but still wonder how come He also blesses … cheats, liars, thieves and betrayers. Like Jacob of the Bible for example.
I seriously am perplexed at first glance when reading his story in Genesis ___-
As the son and heir of his dad Isaac and grandson of the infamous father of our faith, Abraham … he would certainly be entitled to God’s covenant promises. But he was basically a weasel in much of his behavior and God overlooks it. Or maybe tolerates it like a parent with a naughty kid they just can’t resist.
Surely there were things God liked about Jacob and could be proud of like his hard work ethic, loyalty, family life … But this is also the same man who deceived and betrayed his own father, cheated and stole his brother’s right of blessing and then ran away like a coward.
Nevertheless, God can’t seem to help Himself and pours out unstoppable blessings and favor all over Jacob’s life! (Quote verse here)
So take a look at your own life. Guessing somewhere along the way you too have cheated, lied, betrayed and have been disloyal and self-centered. And if you dig down a bit, you will also see that in spite of your less than perfect self, God still has smothered you in His blessings.
The fact is that Jesus died for your sins so you can have forgiveness, freedom from the tyranny of sin and a life with God that will never end. He also offers you unlimited spiritual blessings and power through His Holy Spirit living inside of you.
Why does He do all that? Because He made you, He loves you and He can’t help but want to bless you! All you have to do is surrender, believe, receive and walk it out with Him every day.
Does it ever seem to you that sometimes God’s blessings are unstoppable?
Unstoppable for others that is!
Why does God do that? You peer into someone else’s life who doesn’t seem to be all that deserving and wonder why God does it for them … and not for you.
Or maybe you do acknowledge God’s blessings in your own life but still wonder how come He also blesses … cheats, liars, thieves and betrayers. Like Jacob of the Bible for example.
I seriously am perplexed at first glance when reading his story in Genesis ___-
As the son and heir of his dad Isaac and grandson of the infamous father of our faith, Abraham … he would certainly be entitled to God’s covenant promises. But he was basically a weasel in much of his behavior and God overlooks it. Or maybe tolerates it like a parent with a naughty kid they just can’t resist.
Surely there were things God liked about Jacob and could be proud of like his hard work ethic, loyalty, family life … But this is also the same man who deceived and betrayed his own father, cheated and stole his brother’s right of blessing and then ran away like a coward.
Nevertheless, God can’t seem to help Himself and pours out unstoppable blessings and favor all over Jacob’s life! (Quote verse here)
So take a look at your own life. Guessing somewhere along the way you too have cheated, lied, betrayed and have been disloyal and self-centered. And if you dig down a bit, you will also see that in spite of your less than perfect self, God still has smothered you in His blessings.
The fact is that Jesus died for your sins so you can have forgiveness, freedom from the tyranny of sin and a life with God that will never end. He also offers you unlimited spiritual blessings and power through His Holy Spirit living inside of you.
Why does He do all that? Because He made you, He loves you and He can’t help but want to bless you! All you have to do is surrender, believe, receive and walk it out with Him every day.